Looking Back at Lily (2020-2021)

Make-believe Lily is always up for an adventure! Her magical schemes lead her out into the yard using sticks as sceptors riding imaginary horses and jaquins. While she is not your everyday princess, Lily’s magical spirit and transform a room from gloom to laughter.

She is a natural entertainer and hopes to foster her skills at singing and playing the ukelele. Thank you to Uncle JD and Papa Ron for her lessons!

Lily is also an animal lover and is committed to helping Cooper (our new goldendoodle) stay active everyday. She also makes it a point to say good morning and goodnight to Mittes, our kitty, too.

Lily’s eyes are set on becoming a baker when she grows up. She hopes to own her own cafe where she is the lead cook and baker and keeps a secret menu for those who may not have enough money to pay for their own meal. I have a lot to learn from Ms. Lily’s perspective on life.

Join me as we take a look back at Lily’s last year to the tune of Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves…

Lily at seven years…

Lily at six years…

Lily at five years…

Lily at four years…

Lily at three years…

Lily at two years…

Lily’s First Year…

Looking Back at Rosie (2020-2021)

Little Miss Rosie remains our firecracker who routinely goes from zero to 60 in emotion and physicality. She is the household gymnast and is committed to doing at least 30 gymnastic tricks each day to fine tune her cartwheels, splits, front walk over and back handspring. She is excited to try team gymnastics this fall.

Ellie prides herself in her organization skillset and takes pride in the cleanliness of her space.

Rosie was also over-the-moon this last year when we purchased a family cat, named Mittens. She has commenced her journey as a cat lady.

Now, a look back at our Ellie Rosie over the last year set to the tune of Fast by Luke Bryan…

Ellie at seven years…

Ellie at six years…

Ellie at five years…

Ellie at four years…

Ellie at three years…

Ellie at two years…

If you really want to turn back the clock, check out Ellie’s First Year…

Looking Back at Theo (2020-2021)

This year, we decided to sandwich Theo right in the middle of his four sisters! This is how this gentleman felt over the last year and a half. He was a trooper in playing whatever his sisters had in mind but also got an abundance of boy-time with Dad.

Theo dove head first into his first little league in house and traveling seasons this year coached by his Daddy. He continues to love short stop but worked his way around the diamond and strengthened his skills at third, first and pitcher. He even got his first home run at the last tournament of the season. He is looking forward to continuing to play with a 8U/9U team this fall and explore boys gymnastics with the sister crew.

When Theo doesn’t have a mitt on he typically is building, creating or seeking answers to his many questions. He proudly presents me with a fun fact of the day. I’m learning a lot, too!

Now, a look back at Theo’s last year to a song by Florida Georgia Line entitled Simple…

Theo at Six Years…

Theo at Five Years…

Theo at Four Years…

Theo at Three Years…

Theo at Two Years…

Theo’s First Year…

Looking Back at Bella (2020-2021)

Isabella Marie remains the creative quint from singing to a variety of art; Bella loves to create!

Her sweet voice continues to be heard at night, long after her sibs have fallen asleep. Her lullabies last until Mom and Dad’s bed time and are usually the sounds that we all wake up to. This night owl also has the strongest gratitude practice in the house. It is not uncommon for her to sneak in a quick thank you, hug and kiss for even the smallest of tasks.

This last year, Bella fell in love with American Idol and was Willie Spence’s BIGGEST fan! However, her love for Willie is rivaled by her fandom for Javier Baez and Patrick Mahomes.

Now, a look back at Bella’s last year set to the tune of the Friends Theme song…

Bella at seven years…

Bella at six years…

Bella at five years…

Bella at four years…

Bella at three years…

Bella at two years…

Bella’s First Year…

Looking Back at Kali Mae (2020-2021)

The birthday countdown to 8 begins! This year we’re starting with Kali Mae!

As many of you know, Kali is a unique blend of sugar and spice. She has been on a journey of exploration this last year. The social isolation that accompanied COVID-19 was hard on Kali; she would often comment on how many days, weeks, months it had been since she saw her besties.

As we open back up, Kali’s spirit returns and is highest when she’s with friends.

Kali’s curiousity rivals Theo’s and her love for animals is great! She has also discovered a new adventure- horseback riding! She even hopes to become a professional equestrian!

Before we dive into our montage, due to copyright claims all music had to be muted in the videos. Kali’s song for this year was Refrigerator Door by Luke Combs.

Now, let’s look back at Kali over the last year…

Kali at seven years…

Kali at six years…

Kali at five years…

Kali at four years…

Kali at three years…

Kali at two years…

If you really want to turn back the clock, check out Kali’s First Year…

Trick, Treat, or Teaching Opportunity

Halloween can be a scary time for more reasons than the goblins and spooky ghosts. Halloween seems to kick-off the season of treats beginning with the tempting sweets that line the grocery store aisles. Many parents dread Halloween due to the amount of candy that their child drags home after a long night of trick-or-treating.  However, I am looking forward to this teaching opportunity.


Many of you know that food, nutrition and overall wellness are near and dear to my heart. I love equipping and empowering people in their health pursuits… especially my children. Trick-or-treating is a great time to teach moderation. There is a growing body of research that encourages families to mark no food as forbidden. Ellyn Satter encourages parents to help their children to, “Learn to manage sweets and to keep sweets in proportion to the other food [they] eat.” Moderation can be a difficult concept to grasp, but it is a lesson worth learning. According to research, treat-deprived children often end up weighing more later in life due to hoarding forbidden foods. I appreciate these findings but also recognize that these lessons need to be age-appropriate.

At three years young, my kiddos still are led by their frontal lobes (aka Impulsivity) therefore, we have tailored the moderation conversation to one of “wants” versus “needs” and “wants” have a time and a place. Since candy and sweets are unnecessary “wants,” my children have never had any. We don’t have any in the home so, if they encountered a candy bar on the street they wouldn’t know what it is. This is intentional because I know the power of sugar and I also know the consequences. Sugar is a sweet and silent killer that is a great contributor of morbidity and mortality around the world. Because of this I often associate excess sugar with excess alcohol or even smoking. As parents, we are guides and guardians for our children. We are blessed with the opportunity to guard their hearts, minds, bodies and souls until they are able to “digest” the media and message and then tasked with helping to guide them through this muddy world.

This does not mean my children will never have the pleasure of candy; recall those that are deprived often become the secret hoarders. Instead, we will continue to be intentional about when, where, why and how we introduce these types of foods and experiences. I also feel led to set others up for success that is why we will continue to be the weirdo house on the street that does not handout candy, but rather an allergen free snack. There are also a host of other food and non-food alternatives including…

Non-Food Alternatives:

  • Stickers
  • Glow sticks
  • Play dough
  • Rings
  • Toothpaste/Floss/Toothbrush
  • Pencil/Erasers
  • Seasonal Post-it’s
  • Bubbles

Food Alternatives:

  • Gum
  • Granola Bars
  • Pretzels/Crackers
  • Popcorn or Puffed Corn

So, with moderation in mind may the force be with you as we forge into the season of sweets and continue to guard and guide our children in the days to come!

Taking on Three


The V5 have fully embraced being three! They love being “big” kids who can pick out their own clothes and dress themselves, go potty on their own, take on any playground equipment mom will let them and enjoy new foods, which were previously no-go’s due to fears of choking. I believe my favorite part of them being three is watching their imaginations grow! They are finally learning how to engage with one another in thoughtful and dramatic play. Some days… okay most days… it is tug of war and a battle of wills, but there are moments when I catch them caring for one another, using nice words, and even complimenting each other.


Their favorite play time activities include whipping up their favorite meals in their play kitchen, taking care of their dear stuffed animals, running pretend errands to the grocery store, heading to work or church, the doctor’s office and even tournaments (like Daddy). Outdoors they enjoy going to local parks, swinging on their play set, hunting for caterpillars, gardening (or picking unripened fruit) and playing in the sand.

They also are growing like never before. They love discovering which new ledges they can reach, how fast they can run from point A to point B and now which doors and windows they can open. It is a new challenge to stay one step ahead of this gang. Our best “red flag” that danger is impending is silence.

The girls’ hair also was growing so fast and so long that we took them for their first haircuts. They did so well that the stylist thought they were regulars. And, of course, Mr. Theo played “I spy” patiently throughout the salon as he waiting for his four sisters.


Their knowledge of the world, emotions and others is also ever-increasing. I, now, have to agree with many parents when they say that threes are more difficult than two’s. The two-year-old is still learning to navigate the world before them and tantrums can often be the result of simple confusion; I have pity on the two-year-old. The three-year-old, while of course still learning, knows their world better, knows what they want, and knows each and every strategy to get it, or at least try to get it; I do not pity the three-year-old. I also am now a firm-believer in threenagers; they’re real and they’re nasty.

I can’t say it better than the Huffington Post’s Top 10 Signs You Are Living with a Threenager

  1. You live in constant fear of how to cut the shape of their toast. Do they want triangles today, rectangles, squares? And when they do tell you, they change their mind right after you cut it.
  2. They say things like (with hands firmly placed on hips), “I don’t want to. I want to do what I want to do!”
  3. You go through three or more wardrobe changes a day.
  4. Your child goes boneless the second you remind them that a transition is coming, especially when they are asked to stop playing. By the way, when was this ability given to children? You know, lay limp and double your body weight so mom can’t move you. It’s a talent reminiscent of a possum playing dead…
  5. They run away from you when it’s time to get dressed, or undressed, or do anything they deem unnecessary. In fact running away from you is their favorite activity. (Cardio workout?)
  6. To nap or not to nap, that is the question. A threenager’s answer will always be emphatically “NO!”
  7. They want three (or more) of everything because they are three.
  8. Threenagers do not possess patience.
  9. You have to leave a 10 minute buffer on any activity so they can it all on by their “OWN SELF!”
  10. You realize they’ll be a great trial lawyer one day when they’ve just negotiated their way out of a time-out.

I won’t miss the drama of the threenager years, but I know I will miss the sweet cuddles, sincere naivete, and their expressions when trying something for the first time.

Looking Back at Kali Mae

Kali Mae is the most compassionate quint. She has a sixth sense for the needs of others and truly enjoys caring for her brother and sisters. She also has a special place for animals in her heart. She loves Papa’s dog, Holly, and enjoys going to the local petting farm to see all of the “cute” animals.

K-Mae is our little firecracker and the queen of temper-tantrums. It doesn’t take much to lay Kali out on the floor and send out that shrill, monkey screech. Her cure is typically an outlet for her anguish (stomping her feet, talking it out, etc.) or simple reassurance that it is okay to be angry. She is also the human emoji and has a collection of facial expressions for every occasion.

Kali’s name has ebbed and flowed over the years, but has settled on the originally Kali Mae. She enjoys a variety of nick names, including K, K-Mae and Mae. But, when asked what her name is, she now replies Kali Mae.

Kali has many loves, but the following are her favorites…

Her Favorite Animal: Piggy

Her Favorite Stuffed Animal: Piggy Pancake (featured in If You Give a Pig a Pancake), but you will also find her Moose (If You Give a Moose a Muffin), Minnie Mouse and Yellow Bears tucked in her bed with her.

Her Favorite Animated Character: Peppa Pig

Her Favorite Show: Super Simple Turn and Learn ABC’s

Her Favorite Food: Anything sweet, but in all honesty she’s enjoys everything

Her Favorite Activity: Gardening

Now, here’s a look back at Kali Mae’s second year…

Kali at two years…

If you really want to turn back the clock, check out Kali’s First Year…

Looking Back at Lillian

Lillian Grace is as sweet as she is silly. She is consistently seeking to please both her parents and her siblings. She is our household helper and loves to lend a hand. Her favorite way to help is to find and retrieve “lost” items. She’s amazing at finding what other’s need, but somehow can’t find what she needs even if it is right under her nose.

Lily’s best friend remains her stuffed koala, Uti. He has been her companion for years now and will not close her eyes at night if he is not tucked right under her chin.

Lily can be silly, but she can also be a tease. She is the best at “pushing her sibs’ buttons.” Whether it be stealing their toy, calling them a goofy name or squishing them, she knows how to rile up the crowd. Her signature move is the Lily Lean; it is Theo’s “fave.” She’s been practicing that one since the womb.

Her other favorites include…

Her Favorite Animal: Koala and Turtle

Her Favorite Stuffed Animal: Uti (of course) but her Mousey (featured in If You Give a Mouse a Cookie) is a close second

Her Favorite Show: Blue Clues

Her Favorite Food: Meat, Lily is a true carnivore

Her Favorite Activity: Family Hugs

Now, here’s a look back at Lillians’ second year…

Lily at two years…

If you really want to turn back the clock, check out Lily’s First Year…

Summer Fun

The summer of 2016 has been a blast! It still amazes me how much children grow up between the ages of two and three; too many milestones to count. At two years… I was so fearful if I caught them climbing, running, and jumping and now at three years, I want them to climb, run and jump! This summer the V5 have had ample opportunity to do so, too! We have explored local dream parks, splash pads, played polar bear plunge in our mini pool and slip and slide, hit up the zoo, farms and bounce on every bouncy house in sight. Not to mention… turning three, moving to “big kid” beds and receiving their very own “park” (aka play house).  The kiddos even go to attend their first wedding!

They soak it all in just like the rays of sunshine. It is amazing what they recall from months ago… down to the color socks they wore when we went to the zoo the last time.

I had to capture these precious memories…here’s to many more!

