Looking Back at Bella | 2022-2023

Sweet Bella Bean continues to walk to the beat of her own drum. She remains our fearless fashionista who can make any pattern or color scheme work. Her pace of life is about as fast as the clouds passing by. Her cadence paired with her empathy is a divine recipe. She has a sixth sense about noticing God’s handiwork from natural anomalies to a water color sunset. Bella is also the first to know who needs a hug. Her big hugs squeeze the hardship right out of you, leaving room for all her love she has to share.

Now, a look back at Bella’s last year!

Belle at eight years…

Bella at seven years…

Bella at six years…

Bella at five years…

Bella at four years…

Bella at three years…

Bella at two years…

Bella at one year…

Bella’s First Year…

Looking Back at Theo | 2022-2023

My buddy and Dad’s best friend is living his best life. This budding second baseman would spend all of his waking hours playing ball with his neighborhood buddies. And, this summer, he has! Theo loves routine and he’s pleased with a copy and paste type of day. However, watch out when he and Bella get the giggles because they’re unstoppable. Their sillies don’t cease until they say so. It is a true privilege to watch this young man tackle life and learn from his inquisitiveness, gentle nature and saint-like patience.

Now, a look back at Theo’s last year!

Theo at Eight Years…


Theo at Seven Years…

Theo at Six Years…

Theo at Five Years…

Theo at Four Years…

Theo at Three Years…

Theo at Two Years…

Theo’s First Year…

Looking Back at Ellie | 2022-2023

Ellie Rose continues to find her way to the top in all that she does from schoolwork to gymnastics. They told us she’d be our determined one with all of the complication in utero and they were right! She is wise beyond her years and always able to call out the elephant in the room with ease and clarity. If she doesn’t find her way into the Oval Office in 2053 we are hedging bets that she’ll be a compassionate leader wherever she lands.

Now, a look back at our Ellie Rosie over the last year!

Ellie at eight years…


Ellie at seven years…

Ellie at six years…

Ellie at five years…

Ellie at four years…

Ellie at three years…

Ellie at two years…

Ellie at one year…

If you really want to turn back the clock, check out Ellie’s First Year…