Looking Back at Bella | 2022-2023

Sweet Bella Bean continues to walk to the beat of her own drum. She remains our fearless fashionista who can make any pattern or color scheme work. Her pace of life is about as fast as the clouds passing by. Her cadence paired with her empathy is a divine recipe. She has a sixth sense about noticing God’s handiwork from natural anomalies to a water color sunset. Bella is also the first to know who needs a hug. Her big hugs squeeze the hardship right out of you, leaving room for all her love she has to share.

Now, a look back at Bella’s last year!

Belle at eight years…

Bella at seven years…

Bella at six years…

Bella at five years…

Bella at four years…

Bella at three years…

Bella at two years…

Bella at one year…

Bella’s First Year…

Looking Back at Theo | 2022-2023

My buddy and Dad’s best friend is living his best life. This budding second baseman would spend all of his waking hours playing ball with his neighborhood buddies. And, this summer, he has! Theo loves routine and he’s pleased with a copy and paste type of day. However, watch out when he and Bella get the giggles because they’re unstoppable. Their sillies don’t cease until they say so. It is a true privilege to watch this young man tackle life and learn from his inquisitiveness, gentle nature and saint-like patience.

Now, a look back at Theo’s last year!

Theo at Eight Years…


Theo at Seven Years…

Theo at Six Years…

Theo at Five Years…

Theo at Four Years…

Theo at Three Years…

Theo at Two Years…

Theo’s First Year…

Looking Back at Ellie | 2022-2023

Ellie Rose continues to find her way to the top in all that she does from schoolwork to gymnastics. They told us she’d be our determined one with all of the complication in utero and they were right! She is wise beyond her years and always able to call out the elephant in the room with ease and clarity. If she doesn’t find her way into the Oval Office in 2053 we are hedging bets that she’ll be a compassionate leader wherever she lands.

Now, a look back at our Ellie Rosie over the last year!

Ellie at eight years…


Ellie at seven years…

Ellie at six years…

Ellie at five years…

Ellie at four years…

Ellie at three years…

Ellie at two years…

Ellie at one year…

If you really want to turn back the clock, check out Ellie’s First Year…

Looking Back at Kali | 2022-2023

From her first monkey screech, we knew this girl had to be heard. K is an astute observer and is learning daily the power she holds with her tongue. While impulses are her kryptonite, her sky blue eyes are ours. She has learned at her young age how to put on a social mask. However, Her feelings can’t be hidden because she wears them on her sleeve. She may be the toughest of our nuts to crack, but when you do you find the purest joy and love.

Now, let’s look back at Kali over the last year…

Kali at eight years…

Kali at seven years…

Kali at six years…

Kali at five years…

Kali at four years…

Kali at three years…

Kali at two years…

Kali at one year…

If you really want to turn back the clock, check out Kali’s First Year…

Perfectly Imperfect

Perfectly Imperfect – The Dawning of New Era

As I sit down to write today, I am watching the rain fall along the panes of our windows. Cold, wet days often don’t bring the joy of bright, blue 72-degree weather but rather tend to slow many down and often times slow us down enough to see the muffled memories or quiet reflections in our mind. I have been pondering what, when and how of what I’d like to share in this post for several weeks. Today, I decided to simply put pen-to-paper or rather fingers-to-keys.

Today, my story is intended to empower families and caregivers in fostering mental healthcare in their homes and creating a compassionate space for each other. There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic heightened stress and brought about new stressors for all people. I often wonder how my children will recall these last few years. Will they remember the isolation sadly? Or will they recall the extra time each other and Nana has their second-grade teacher fondly? Will they recall the big feelings that they navigated with pride or remorse?

I recognize that their reactions and recollections are out of my locus of control but my response in the here and the now is. The last year and beyond we have navigated budding mental health concerns that we knew would eventually arise due to the prevalence in our genetic pool. At first, we sought out strategies to combat the stress. We tried T.I.P.P. breaks, individual and family therapy, breathing exercises, bedtime and wake up routines, more structure, less structure, lavender, diffusers, the list goes on and on. Scenarios would improve temporarily but then we felt like we were back where we started and often times in a worse situation.

We have come to realize that this approach is simply exhausting. What if we rather embraced the stress? And, while we’re at it, what if we also embraced that are mental and emotional wellbeing don’t have to perfect? It is freeing to own that fact that we’re perfectly imperfect!

How to Embrace Being Perfectly Imperfect

  • Don’t Combat Stress, Combat Stigma.

We begin with education and the opportunity to educate ourselves and others about mental health disorders using resources such as NAMI.org or the CDC. This includes being conscious of our language and labeling of others using mental health conditions as adjectives.

  • Separate the Person from the Condition.

People First language puts the person before their diagnosis and/or ability. It acknowledges that their identity is not in their medical condition or history but rather who they are.

  • Equate Physical and Mental Illness.

We don’t discourage people from going to the doctor when they are physically ill, but some think twice about pursuing mental healthcare. The brain is vulnerable to disorder just as other organs in our body. When we can correct disruptions or abnormalities in brain function with medication, equip a young mind for healthier growth, create a mental environment that permits therapies to “stick” and provide that individual with a tool to achieve more equitable experiences.

  • Own Your Story.

I encourage everyone to find time to reflect upon your story. Whether you choose to share it or not is up to you. Sharing our stories make us truly vulnerable. However, the reward from sharing with safe people can be greater than the risk. Human connections are made through stories. In our weakness, we become stronger.

Our Story

If you were to open the medical charts of our family, you would see anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, depression, oppositional defiant disorder, and panic disorder. We are not strangers to mental illness nor the therapies that accompany them. I, personally, appreciate the fact that my parents exposed me to mental healthcare providers at a young age because I became comfortable and accepting of this resource. Years later, when Frank and I perceived that there may be more to the tantrums we were witnessing, the first place we looked for help was a LCSW. Even with our personal relationships with therapists over the years, when the psychiatrist recommended medication for one of our children we were a bit taken back.

I asked myself questions like… “is it really that bad?” “have we exhausted all of our alternative therapies?” “what will their siblings think?” “will they need to take it forever?” It was in this moment that I realized I was standing in the way of a potential solution for my child. Then, I looked into their young eyes and asked if they’d like to try it. They held their gaze and provided a confident yes.

Needless to say, we started the medication and while the story is not over, the chapter filled with fear, horrific bedtimes, concerns for self-harm, and words that belong only in parents’ nightmares is closed. We are experiencing a rainbow as the sun emerges upon our personal storm. With this dawn, we see restored sibling relationships, the return of a sparkle in their eyes and a little more peace of mind.

Rainbow At The Dawn Photograph by Edward Pacil

I would be remiss in a post like this to not offer immediate help for those who feel ready. If you or a loved one are seeking help, know that it is there. SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders. They can be reached at 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

Looking Back at Lily (2020-2021)

Make-believe Lily is always up for an adventure! Her magical schemes lead her out into the yard using sticks as sceptors riding imaginary horses and jaquins. While she is not your everyday princess, Lily’s magical spirit and transform a room from gloom to laughter.

She is a natural entertainer and hopes to foster her skills at singing and playing the ukelele. Thank you to Uncle JD and Papa Ron for her lessons!

Lily is also an animal lover and is committed to helping Cooper (our new goldendoodle) stay active everyday. She also makes it a point to say good morning and goodnight to Mittes, our kitty, too.

Lily’s eyes are set on becoming a baker when she grows up. She hopes to own her own cafe where she is the lead cook and baker and keeps a secret menu for those who may not have enough money to pay for their own meal. I have a lot to learn from Ms. Lily’s perspective on life.

Join me as we take a look back at Lily’s last year to the tune of Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves…

Lily at seven years…

Lily at six years…

Lily at five years…

Lily at four years…

Lily at three years…

Lily at two years…

Lily’s First Year…

Looking Back at Rosie (2020-2021)

Little Miss Rosie remains our firecracker who routinely goes from zero to 60 in emotion and physicality. She is the household gymnast and is committed to doing at least 30 gymnastic tricks each day to fine tune her cartwheels, splits, front walk over and back handspring. She is excited to try team gymnastics this fall.

Ellie prides herself in her organization skillset and takes pride in the cleanliness of her space.

Rosie was also over-the-moon this last year when we purchased a family cat, named Mittens. She has commenced her journey as a cat lady.

Now, a look back at our Ellie Rosie over the last year set to the tune of Fast by Luke Bryan…

Ellie at seven years…

Ellie at six years…

Ellie at five years…

Ellie at four years…

Ellie at three years…

Ellie at two years…

If you really want to turn back the clock, check out Ellie’s First Year…

Looking Back at Theo (2020-2021)

This year, we decided to sandwich Theo right in the middle of his four sisters! This is how this gentleman felt over the last year and a half. He was a trooper in playing whatever his sisters had in mind but also got an abundance of boy-time with Dad.

Theo dove head first into his first little league in house and traveling seasons this year coached by his Daddy. He continues to love short stop but worked his way around the diamond and strengthened his skills at third, first and pitcher. He even got his first home run at the last tournament of the season. He is looking forward to continuing to play with a 8U/9U team this fall and explore boys gymnastics with the sister crew.

When Theo doesn’t have a mitt on he typically is building, creating or seeking answers to his many questions. He proudly presents me with a fun fact of the day. I’m learning a lot, too!

Now, a look back at Theo’s last year to a song by Florida Georgia Line entitled Simple…

Theo at Six Years…

Theo at Five Years…

Theo at Four Years…

Theo at Three Years…

Theo at Two Years…

Theo’s First Year…

Looking Back at Bella (2020-2021)

Isabella Marie remains the creative quint from singing to a variety of art; Bella loves to create!

Her sweet voice continues to be heard at night, long after her sibs have fallen asleep. Her lullabies last until Mom and Dad’s bed time and are usually the sounds that we all wake up to. This night owl also has the strongest gratitude practice in the house. It is not uncommon for her to sneak in a quick thank you, hug and kiss for even the smallest of tasks.

This last year, Bella fell in love with American Idol and was Willie Spence’s BIGGEST fan! However, her love for Willie is rivaled by her fandom for Javier Baez and Patrick Mahomes.

Now, a look back at Bella’s last year set to the tune of the Friends Theme song…

Bella at seven years…

Bella at six years…

Bella at five years…

Bella at four years…

Bella at three years…

Bella at two years…

Bella’s First Year…

Looking Back at Kali Mae (2020-2021)

The birthday countdown to 8 begins! This year we’re starting with Kali Mae!

As many of you know, Kali is a unique blend of sugar and spice. She has been on a journey of exploration this last year. The social isolation that accompanied COVID-19 was hard on Kali; she would often comment on how many days, weeks, months it had been since she saw her besties.

As we open back up, Kali’s spirit returns and is highest when she’s with friends.

Kali’s curiousity rivals Theo’s and her love for animals is great! She has also discovered a new adventure- horseback riding! She even hopes to become a professional equestrian!

Before we dive into our montage, due to copyright claims all music had to be muted in the videos. Kali’s song for this year was Refrigerator Door by Luke Combs.

Now, let’s look back at Kali over the last year…

Kali at seven years…

Kali at six years…

Kali at five years…

Kali at four years…

Kali at three years…

Kali at two years…

If you really want to turn back the clock, check out Kali’s First Year…